Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Friday Night Movie & American Idol

On Friday I saw "He's Just Not That Into You."  It wasn't as funny as I expected it to be but overall I thought it was a great movie.  It has a great cast and a lot of heart.  If you get a chance to see it while it's in theaters I do recommend it.  If not, catch it once it's out on DVD.

Today I watched American Idol for the first time ever.  Apparently it's been on for eight years and is huge so I'm not sure how I've gone this long without seeing it but I have.  My brother-in-law decided that I had to watch this show.  I must say that I liked it much more than I expected to.  I'm not entirely sure how some of the people made it onto the show and I absolutely Simon.  He doesn't sugar coat things which is what these people need if they're going to make it in the music business.  

School work calls so I must head out.  I'll see you all next week!


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