Monday, February 23, 2009

Movies & Oscars

Hello all!  CR here.  IL and I switched days because Monday wasn't a good one for her.  So, it's the day after the Oscars and I actually watched it which I never do because, let's face it, people find it boring.  And by people I mean me.  However, this year the Oscars had Hugh Jackman hosting and nominations for Kate Winslet and Heath Ledger so I had to tune in.

Hugh Jackman was amazing.  Go Kate!  Go Heath!

Okay, done with the Oscars.

This weekend a friend and I went to see Confessions of a Shopaholic which was incredibly cute and funny!  I loved how they kept the events of the book but tweaked them a bit.  I'd definitely like to go see it again.

I also went to see Slumdog Millionaire which was phenominal.  It was riveting and kept me guessing throughout.  I highly recommend this movie. 

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