Monday, February 23, 2009

Movies & Oscars

Hello all!  CR here.  IL and I switched days because Monday wasn't a good one for her.  So, it's the day after the Oscars and I actually watched it which I never do because, let's face it, people find it boring.  And by people I mean me.  However, this year the Oscars had Hugh Jackman hosting and nominations for Kate Winslet and Heath Ledger so I had to tune in.

Hugh Jackman was amazing.  Go Kate!  Go Heath!

Okay, done with the Oscars.

This weekend a friend and I went to see Confessions of a Shopaholic which was incredibly cute and funny!  I loved how they kept the events of the book but tweaked them a bit.  I'd definitely like to go see it again.

I also went to see Slumdog Millionaire which was phenominal.  It was riveting and kept me guessing throughout.  I highly recommend this movie. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Friday Night Movie & American Idol

On Friday I saw "He's Just Not That Into You."  It wasn't as funny as I expected it to be but overall I thought it was a great movie.  It has a great cast and a lot of heart.  If you get a chance to see it while it's in theaters I do recommend it.  If not, catch it once it's out on DVD.

Today I watched American Idol for the first time ever.  Apparently it's been on for eight years and is huge so I'm not sure how I've gone this long without seeing it but I have.  My brother-in-law decided that I had to watch this show.  I must say that I liked it much more than I expected to.  I'm not entirely sure how some of the people made it onto the show and I absolutely Simon.  He doesn't sugar coat things which is what these people need if they're going to make it in the music business.  

School work calls so I must head out.  I'll see you all next week!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thirteen Reasons Why

Hi everyone!  I am CR and I'm in my early 20's.  I'm a writer, a college student and I work at the same bank as the other bloggers.

Today I met with a friend I haven't seen for about a year at a small coffee shop nearby.  Both of us are avid readers and talked about some of the books we've read recently.  One I recommended to her is "Thirteen Reasons Why" by Jay Asher.

This is a YA book and I can only describe it as heartbreakingly beautiful.  It's about teenager Clay who receives a package of cassette tapes one day.  When he listens to the first he discovers that they were recorded by Hannah, a classmate and his crush, shortly before she committed suicide two weeks earlier.  The tapes are her suicide note.

It took me a few chapters to get into the flow of the writing, getting used to the different way it is written, but once I did it had me turning pages.  It's a stunning book and very thought-provoking, one I'll probably read again in the future.

I'll end this today with a quote from the novel:

"I guess that's the point of it all.  No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people.  Oftentimes, we have no clue.  Yet we push it just the same."

I highly recommend this book to all.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Blogging Virgin

This is quite interesting. I am IL and I am encroaching on someone else's time cos I forgot to post, but oh well who cares.

So is a blog kinda like a diary? Its my first time blogging, I hope it works out okay.
So a little about me: I am between the ages of 25 and 30 and I wasn not born in the USA. I work at the same bank with my fellow bloggers and I think I am the funniest of the bunch and of course the smartest.

I just found out that one of my closest friends is getting married at the end of the year and I just found out about it. I am excited but kinda mad. I would think that I should have known she was dating someone need less to say getting married to the fella. She is in Chicago though and it has been hard keeping in touch cos of work and school. Again I say oh well.

Work was busy as hell today at least for me. Got a lot of stuff done though. I was watching The View and the ladies were talking about athletes and famous people who make mistakes and then apologize later on. Case in point: Michael Phelps with the whole bong thing. He had a sincere apology but was it worth him being dropped by his endorsement deals?

Also did anyone watch the grammy's? MIA was gross and uncouth. You do not come out in public looking like a pregnant street whore. It was completely disgusting!! I wish her water would have burst all over Jay Z's pants. Talk about funny. The show must go on!

Oh well, gots to go